T W D I n d u s t r i e s A G
P a r a d i e s l i 1 7
C H - 8 8 4 2 U n t e r i b e r g
S w i t z e r l a n d
T e l . + 4 1 ( 0 ) 5 5 4 1 4 2 0 9 3
F a x + 4 1 ( 0 ) 5 5 4 1 4 2 0 6 7
t w d i . c h
g - w a n . c h
g l o b a l - w a n . c h
TWD Industries AG has mathematically demonstrated
its post-quantum symmetric encryption (PQSE) to
the French DRM (Direction du Renseignement Militaire)
in year 2007. Encryption standards like AES are expected
to show design limits in the near future, notably because
of the availability of "quantum computers".
TWD's mission is to provably-secure today's critical
infrastructure (communications, energy, transports,
finance, government) and tomorrow's "Internet of Things"
Academic Background
To grasp the value of TWD works, let's quote CORDIS, one of the most reputed Academic
Research public funding in the world:
Post-quantum cryptography for long-term security (project reference: 645622)
Funded under ICT-32-2014 - Cybersecurity, Trustworthy ICT
From 2015-03-01 to 2018-03-01, ongoing project (horizon 2020)
Total cost: EUR 3,964,791.25
EU contribution: EUR 3,851,791.25
Other contributions: EUR 113,000
Online banking, e-commerce, telemedicine, mobile communication, and cloud computing
depend fundamentally on the security of the underlying cryptographic algorithms. These systems
are all broken as soon as large quantum computers are built. The EU and governments around
the world are investing heavily in building quantum computers society needs to be prepared for
the consequences, including cryptanalytic attacks accelerated by these computers. Long-term
confidential documents such as patient health-care records and state secrets have to guarantee
security for many years, but information encrypted with today's standards and stored until
quantum computers are available will then be as easy to decipher as Enigma-encrypted
messages are today.
The challenge is to find solutions guaranteeing end-to-end security regardless of improvements
in attacker hardware or computational capabilities.
TWD Industries AG Kapital: CHF 100.000 Hauptsitz Schwyz CH – MwSt-Nr 7 1 5 4 9 6
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